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A Good Start for the New Year Jan 4, 2012 | Rei
Looks like we're off to a good start for 2012!

38,000 characters
7,500 members
Around 60 regulars
30,000 daily visitors
15 pages per second

The database has been optimized to run fast, and we now have daily backups of the site.

I'll likely be making minor tweaks to the site for the next few days. As I don't yet seem to have enough energy to pull off another big project.

Some predictions might be nice, hmm?

This year... I think we'll reach 50,000 characters easily. 60,000 is possible, but will depend largely on how soon we hit 50k.

We'll have over 10,000 members, and over 100 regulars hopefully as early as April. ( Sooner if I finish updating various member features like Favorites, Groups, Awards, and so on. )

I'll be aiming for 100,000 daily visitors. Essentially 3x our current traffic levels.


I wish everyone a Happy new Year, and look forward to working with you all though 2012 and beyond!

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