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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Dec 15, 2012 | Cirno
Dec 12, 2012

Hello, people! Today, our Stuff of the day found me, and I didn't have to look for it at all! So I shall present to you another great product from Japan that puts the FUN in functional:

It looks like a delicious chocolate cake, but it's actually a soft hand towel! This superb gift brings together a wacky mix of fine dining and bath-time luxury, two things you don't often find together in such a small package. There are also strawberry, vanilla, and matcha flavoured cake towels, all packed in their cake container and topped with a strawberry. These cakes not only make a nice small gift for the holidays, they are even great for valentines day!

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

Answer for our last question, answered by Kana-sama and KidA: The author for the manga Jack Frost is Jinho Ko

Jack Frost follows the story of Noh-A Joo, the new student at Amityville High School. Things start off rather poorly for Noh-A as she quickly comes to realize that the school is not as it appears. Caught in an interschool war between vampires, monsters, and other creatures, she must quickly learn what her new role is as the "mirror image", and how to handle the mysterious Jack Frost.

Today's question:
Who is the author of the manga “xxxHolic”?

You can submit you answer to, or you can send me a PM. I will provide the correct answer in tomorrow's post.

~ 'Til then,

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