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May is a character from the Video Game Guilty Gear.

They have been indexed as Female Adult with Red eyes and Brown hair that is Hip / Past Hip length.


A young, vibrant and happy-go-lucky member of the Jellyfish Pirates. May made her first appearance in the first Guilty Gear: The Missing Link, by entering the World Tournament and winning the prize money to free Johnny from prison. May was orphaned at a young ages, her parents presumably killed by a Gear. She wandered around for some time, until Johnny happened upon her and he took May in. Since that moment, she has dedicated herself to Johnny and harbours an infatuation with him. May along with 11 other orphaned girls reside with Johnny on the stolen Zepp battleship, the Mayship.

Acting much like a "Robin-Hood"-esque group, the Jellyfish Pirates are labelled as criminals, but all of this means nothing to May if it means she can stay by Johnny's side. During the events of Guilty Gear X, May chases after after the bounty put on Dizzy's head in order to buy Johnny the perfect present. After Dizzy's defeat at the hands of Sol Badguy; the prize money is handed over Jam Kuradoberi. May returns to the Mayship with no reward in tow. However, Ky Kiske has entrusted Dizzy, a Gear, to Johnny's and the Jellyfish Pirates' care. Johnny agrees and May is overjoyed to make friends with Dizzy.

May's and Dizzy's friendship blossoms and she takes Dizzy under her wing and treats her as the sister she never had. In the events of Guilty Gear XX, their time together would be cut short by the sudden assault on the Mayship by I-No. Dizzy is knocked off the Mayship and Johnny, May and the rest of the Jellyfish Pirates are forced to face off against I-No. After I-No's retreat, the pirates go looking for Dizzy, eventually finding her.

As of Accent Core Plus, May questions who she is and confronts Johnny. He is worried that revealing to May that she is of Japanese descent might distress her, he decides to withhold his revelation. Eventually, Johnny does tell May the truth of her origins. Depending on the choices made, May will stay on the Mayship, claiming that the pirates are her family and the ship is her home; or will track down Anji Mito and leave the Jellyfish Pirates, determined to discover her Japanese lineage and culture.

May is quite an unorthodox character amongst the Guilty Gear roster. She has sub-par damage output, obscure move set and predictable projectiles. However, she can use her large anchor to devastating effect by using the long reach of it. May can generally be used as a strike/poking character, but has no real distinct tactic or gameplay type about her. May requires FRC-ing to perform most of her gatlings, making her quite a difficult study. Her 6P (Forward + Punch) has incredible dizzying capabilities and can render the opponent vulnerable after 2 or 3 successful hits. Her most awkward yet unpredictable move is Restive Rolling. Perhaps her signature Special Move, it can be directed and chained for 4 successful hits. It can also be used in midair for aerial gatlings. As of Accent Core, her dolphin force breaks allow her to jump off the dolphin and attack independently, which is good for catching the opponent off guard, but requires precise timing to accomplish.

Fun-fact: May is named after Queen's guitarist Brian May.

Fun-fact: If May's Instant Kill, May and the Jolly Crew, is successful her "Destroyed" text is different to the others.
Trait Appears (actual)
Gender Female
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Brown
Hair Length Hip / Past Hip
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No
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1998 Trivia

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