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Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Later in their life the war breaks out, and they are both conscripted into the forces, but for the start of it, there is a story about they living with rationing and such products of a Home-front.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner A few things about this story, if a character speaks in a different language then the will be a capital letter that represents the language at the end of the sentence. The characters speak in English normally, with thou, thee, thy and art. The world the characters live in is split, between the stronger nation of the south and the smaller nation of the Iron Empire. Due to the fact the Iron Empire is smaller they have are more militaristic, everyone is combat able, and they live on a permanent Homefront.
As a result of this there is not currency, but everyone is allowed to have a house if they are married and everyone is given a certain amount of food, enough to keep them well fed, but not enough to make them fat. All the houses around the world are the same, and everyone is monthly inspected by the officer of their lane, for if they have any more than allowed. This means no one steals, as there is nothing to steal, no one murders as everyone know each other and would be found out.
Due to this harsh regime the people have grown into a harsh and hardy race, capable of going nearly a month without food, and a week without water, they formed into a super race, compared to the weaker contestants of the south. The Iron Empire has been so out of contact with the Southern Alliances that they have split into different races as proven by scientists, so they prevents them ever becoming unified. The Iron Empire has also been known to conduct social experiments, that have been seen as inhumane, but has ever more advanced the superior technology of the Iron Empire.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner My story is interestingly does not have the main genre as romance, these two main characters live in a world that never saw the end of war, but neither the start of it. I will show you what I have written about it, it is not complete yet, but still should explain what you need to know.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Just corrected thank you.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner It just changes view, this is represented a small symbol, but you can't see that.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner No, no, one is male the other female.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I didn’t talk to her much, in fact I didn’t talk to her at all. It wasn’t as if I was never around. Every school day I would travel home with her on the bus. She was also in my class. I had hardly ever heard her voice, I generally didn’t talk to girls. But now I found myself sitting next to her on the bus. I never really had the stomach to talk to her, she was really beautiful in my eyes. But for some reason no one else thought that, or at least showed it. Her names was Aislinn Sionnach.
I had seen her talking to one of her other friends, and when I say one of her friends I mean her one friend. She never talked to anyone, but her. Based on her stereotype she look as if she would be someone that was quiet, but kind, the type that would give you a clean white handkerchief if you fell over and cut yourself. I had only ever talked to her once, and that was a very brief conversion about what our homework was, but I learn that I should never ask her a yes or no question, because it would completely end the conversation.
She had a soft voice that suited her facial features. She had, mid-length dark brown hair that you could mistake for black. She had two pale green eyes and a pair of government issued, stainless steel, square glasses. Her hair came down to her shoulders so it made it hard to see her face this close up. We were on a full school bus with noise all around us, yet where we were sat seemed so quiet. We were looking around trying not to make eye contact.
I had never been this close to him before, or any boy for that matter. Now I would never admit it to him, or even Saoirse for that matter, but I had a crush on him. For normal people it was nothing special, but this was the only boy I had ever had a crush on. He was tall, had dark green eyes, that I could stare into for an eternity and dark brown hair. He wasn’t the most talkative, apart from his distinct enemies, everyone knew about him, and liked him, as they had to problem. He had thin frame, rectangle glasses. I had, had day dreams, about how to approach him and have a continuous conversation with him, but alas I was too shy. I wanted to speak to him, but couldn’t, so my only hopes was that he started a conversation with him.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I will show you the start of one of my stories.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I wrote a story to seventy thousand words, and then left it because I felt it wasn't going anywhere, so you have to have some unique things about your story, or it won't go to well.

What type of story are you planning to write because they all have different element.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Between major event the you should have a love interest build up, this doesn't have to have anything to do with the rest of the story, apart for the fact that they have a strong bond, and would do anything for the other person's well being.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner One second
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner If you want to ask me about writing I can help you.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I am a novelist, I have written three stories.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Sorry that came out wrong, what I meant was is: they don't know who they are stealing from.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I know, most people show the name of the picture for copywriter purposes, and if they don't know who it is then they are technically stealing from someone they don't know.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner I looked at the code for the image by that got me nowhere
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Thank you bloody amazing show. You do have my respect for helping me. Thank you.
Jul 1, 2016 DavidRechner Good day, I have a queer, I have come across a site, and it has a picture, (that by guess is from an anime) and I cannot find either characters on the database, please someone visit "", and verify from what anime this is from, as it is bugging me the same way a bug does.

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