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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Ok Black Lagoon: where to begin? This is a great action zone anime, I’d say it’s nonstop, but it has its preachy moments. You’ll find everything for the action fan here: plenty of bullet holes and blood; buxom bad asres; and foul mouthed one-liners, regardless of which language you choose view it.
The plot, though predictable at times, is quite entertaining with only a few twists. The character design is quite good, especially the vehicles.
The action is a little over the top, but for any gun folks out there, the sound effects and weapon design are strikingly accurate. Especially Revy’s chrome Beretta 92s, the ping is unmistakable, but enough of that. I also enjoyed the OST quite a bit, I even have Red Faction(opening theme) on a few road mixes of mine.
I hadn’t seen black Lagoon in well over a year, but after that 1st episode I remembered why I liked it. There is plenty of main char development in the 1st season leaving the 2nd Barrage for most of the other chars to evolve. You will even see the introduction to one amine’s greatest chars: Shehua!
Here you will be thoroughly entertained from bullet holes to battle maids, some good jokes, and sob stories. Even the Nazis were portrayed true to life: ignorant; annoying; overly preachy; and of course prone to monologging. You won’t be disappointed... with blood, lots of violence, foul language, and encyclopedic weapon knowledge I give it a 6.8(out of 10) A recommended should see at least once, but I think you’ll want to see it a few times it action is your thing.

Thank you

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