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What is there to do on Anime Characters Database?

I still wonder this myself, and it's my website! The answer to this question will depend on many things.
	- Your age
	- Your interests
	- How much time you have
	- How bored you are.
Also important is if you are a Guest, a Member, a Moderator or an Admin.


I'll start this section with what is most common.

1. You can use the random character links to kill time and explore the database.
2. You can search for characters by visual traits.
3. You can search for characters by name, series, or find character in a series.
4a. You can post a link to a character you want users of the site to identify.
4b. You can also reply to posts on this board.



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Maintain a Watching List
 - This is the feature I use most.
 - First, I add a series to my watching list.
 - Second, I assign it a day.
 - Third, after watching an episode I update the last episode watched.
 - At this point, the watching list now has enough information to give me a
   timer until the next episode is ready to be watched.
 - Since that's generally exactly 7 days from the moment I watched the last episode.
 - Any series I haven't watched in 7 days, it will highlight in red, 
   suggesting to me I've fallen behind.
 - Once I've finished a series, I can mark it complete, removing it from the day planner.
 - I can also mark a series as dropped, also removing it from view.
 * This feature is not complete in my mind. 
 * A later version will promot 'What did you think of the episode?' so we can build 
   and share episode by episode thoughts and comments on the site.
 * Also I could make it easier to look up what other people are watching.
 * Add ad a 'Recommend' option... kinda like 'If you liked this series, you may also like ... '
 * But in a meaningful way. Not in that Amazon 'Since you bought this, 
   maybe we can sucker you into buying THIS too!' no.
 * Series should be recommended by fans, and an explination WHY.
 * Similar story? Follow a voice actor's career? Well, something like that.

Make a list of characters you Love or Hate
 - chiqui1970 requested this feature.
 - It's kinda like a favorite+anti-favourite system. Haha.

How well Know
 - This had a point, then I wasn't so sure.
 - You can mark characters as famous, common, or unknown.
 - Point was to get an idea how likely people would be able to recognize characters.
 - I mean, for as long as I live, if I see a pic of Naruto, 
   I WILL KNOW that is Naruto from Naruto. (Famous)
 - I might be able to recognize sub characters as being from Naruto, 
   but have forgotten their names. (Common)
 - A filler character with a mere few frames, I'll probably know nothing about. (Unknown)

 - What's a character database without a favorites system?
 - Go out, find your favorite characters, and add them to your favoritees list.
 - They'll have a big red heart next to their name once added.


 - Use this to message a friend or admin.

 - Say what's on your mind, in a few words, to all who use the site.

 - A typical forum, with a great community!
 - I try to get to know everyone who uses the forums, and you shouldn't be afraid to either.
 - Can't win over everyone though, but it's worth a try. haha

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